Start your professional development in entomology by becoming a member of one of the professional societies. Being a member comes with a lot of advantages, like access to journals at discounted rates, eligibility for in-house grants, opportunities to interact with members, professional development services and much more. Whatever your career goal may be, academia or industry, you will find that being a member of a society helps achieve your goals.
Just fill out a quick and easy form when you are ready to apply. You will be notified by email about your membership once your application is processed.
Before applying we strongly recommend visiting the webpage of the organizations of your interest.
For more information on entomological organizations that have student memberships see links below. Then, apply here to request a membership to an entomological society of your choosing.
Below are all of the societies that are currently available to select from. If you wish to be a part of an entomological society not listed, email us at [email protected] to request it be added to the form!
Just fill out a quick and easy form when you are ready to apply. You will be notified by email about your membership once your application is processed.
Before applying we strongly recommend visiting the webpage of the organizations of your interest.
For more information on entomological organizations that have student memberships see links below. Then, apply here to request a membership to an entomological society of your choosing.
Below are all of the societies that are currently available to select from. If you wish to be a part of an entomological society not listed, email us at [email protected] to request it be added to the form!