Diversity Equity & Inclusion Reading List
iDigBio’s Education, Outreach, Diversity, and Inclusion team has compiled a reading list of mostly academic literature (i.e., papers and books) related broadly to topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion with a special focus on natural sciences and museums
Resources for Departments
We asked entomologists around North America what their departments are doing to improve inclusivity in entomology. We’ve consolidated all their answers here as a resource for other departments (not just entomology/biology) to use. What can you do in your department this year?
Bring youth into the community
- Target schools with representative or diverse populations.
- Target under-represented communities (e.g., native land or predominantly black communities)
- Summer work programs and field courses
Diversify recruitment strategies
Recruit at diverse conferences Correct inequitable recruitment strategies
- Remove GRE requirement while emphasizing personal statement and letters of recommendation (graduate school)
- Value service and pro-diversity activity on CVs
- Advertise positions with Historically Black Colleges and Universities and EntoPOC Job Board
- Berkley rubric for assessment
Supporting programs
- McNair Scholar Program
- SciMed GRS
- McKnicght doctoral fellowship program (Florida only)
Identify your implicit bias
- Take an Implicit Association Test (IAT) to identify your own biases
- Require leaders in your department (e.g., search committees, mentors, teachers, chairs) to identify their biases with an IAT